Beasts of the Mesozoic: Raptor Series Action Figures
Created by David Silva
Beasts of the Mesozoic is a line of 1/6th scale scientifically accurate dinosaur action figures, with great detail and articulation.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Shipping status, Production Photos, Preview Videos and more!
about 7 years ago
– Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 09:13:24 PM
Happy holidays everyone! How is it nearly Christmas already?
As many of you may remember in last month's Kickstarter update, I showed the first part of the package design process with the intention of a 'Part 2' follow up. However, a lot has been happening since then, so I'll be postponing that segment for now to focus on more current news. First up...
Current Production and Shipping status
'my precious...'
Deluxe Raptors
Let's get right to it.
When will the raptors ship to backers?
Short answer- the deluxe raptor figures, including Fans Choice raptors, are now estimated to begin shipping to backers in mid to late February and fulfillment will continue through March.
Long answer- When I wrote the previous KS production update, I'd been told that production would be completed by the end of this year meaning that the raptors would begin to ship to backers sometime in the latter part of January. Unfortunately based on the time required for the first several batches of raptors, the schedule had to be adjusted to allow for a few more weeks. They are now expecting production on the raptors to be completed in mid-January which means fulfillment will begin about 4-6 weeks after that in February.
The factory is right in the thick of raptor production now producing thousands of figures each week. My contacts in China have been keeping me informed with regular photo updates and any other relevant news. Here are some recent production highlights for the raptor figures over the past several weeks.
For more production photos, check out the full galleries here, here, and here.
The first batch of production samples are in as well, with more on the way- click the names below for additional images:
All Accessory Packs, Nestlings, and Build-a-Raptors have been completed and are currently en route to the US from China as of this writing. That's right, the Build-a-Raptor sets will be shipping earlier than expected! Production and safety testing were finished in time to include them with the recent boat shipment and they will be fulfilled along with Accessory Pack and Nestling orders. The cargo is set to land in California by the end of this month and will then be trucked to New Jersey to the Fulfillrite warehouse in Lakewood. Estimated New Jersey arrival is Jan. 2nd, which puts us about a week or so behind recent projections. I've been in touch with Fulfillrite and have the account set up to begin the fulfillment process as soon as possible once the product is received. I expect to begin fulfillment of these items within the first half of January.
Before the product was shipped from the factory, the items were randomly inspected and photographed. From what I can tell, these final versions look consistent with the samples I was sent previously.
Now that we know more about what to expect in terms of production and shipping, here is a breakdown of the current fulfillment shipping plan according to location and items. As noted in the previous KS update, the international orders will not be separated in order to minimize customs fees to backers.
(note: these dates are only meant to represent the beginning of fulfillment which will likely last into the following month due to the large number of orders. Kickstarter rewards will have priority. )
So that'll about do it for production and shipping news.
On to other business then...
Accessory Pack Preview Videos
In an effort to give you all an early look at some of the product, here are a couple of video previews I made recently showing the contents and features of the Accessory Pack sets.
Be sure to keep an eye on my social media for more preview videos coming soon!
Beasts of the Mesozoic in Newsweek article
Hey, Beasts of the Mesozoic made the News(week)! Click on the image below to see a recent Newsweek article highlighting scientifically accurate dinosaur gifts, and be sure to read through for brief interview I did at the end.
In case anyone missed this on my social media, the Test Shot Giveaway has begun and if you have backed or pre-ordered at least one of the seventeen main raptor figures or a Build-a-Raptor set, your name is automatically entered into the giveaway. Not on social? No problem as I will be contacting each winner directly via email to confirm their mailing address before shipping.
Congrats so far go to: Jeffrey Curtis Cecil, Tommy Neace, Yuhe Zou, Benjamin Yu, Wayne Barlowe, Sarah Stotler, Daniel Bilodeau, and Joel Goggin!
Stay tuned to my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more winner announcements and best of luck to all the participants!
Farewell 2017...
In closing, I would like to thank you all so much for you encouragement and patience this year as this was the most exciting and challenging twelve months I've ever experienced. The only way 2017 could have been better is if I were able to ship all of your raptor figures to you in time for Christmas, but alas, these raptors ended up needing a little more time to make them what they were meant to be- amazing.
It's been a crazy ride so far, but we're almost there now. And once we get 'there', we'll do it all again. Bigger and better than before.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
I wish you all the happiest of holidays and a fantastic year in 2018.
Until next time everyone!
Cyber Weekend Deal- get $10 off any BackerKit pre-order 11/25 thru 11/27
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 12:33:39 AM
Just a quick update to let you all know that Cyber Weekend is on! Get $10 off any Beasts of the Mesozoic: Raptor Series orders between today and the end of the Monday when you use coupon code CYBERRAPTOR2018
Cyber Weekend orders may be combined with an existing order after they are submitted (please limit one combined order per backer). Discounted orders can not be combined together, however there is no limit. Feel free to ask any questions below.
Accessory Packs and Nestlings shipping update plus Package Design Process Part 1
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Nov 05, 2017 at 09:15:37 PM
Get ready for yet another information-packed update! (actually it's mostly photos)
We'll begin with the info that everyone wants to know- 'When are the products going to ship?' And then, we'll look at more of the behind-the-scenes process. First, here's the latest news.
Current Production Status
Accessory Packs and Nestlings
In the previous update, I'd mentioned a plan to begin shipping out the Accessory Pack and Nestling orders to backers by the end of October and as of this writing (November 5th) these items are all completed, but still in China. The reason for this can be summed up in two words- revisions and testing.
After receiving final production samples for the Accessory Packs and Nestlings at the end of September, I noticed a couple of paint issues that had to be corrected in order for us to proceed. I was not happy with the paint on the head and neck of the juvenile Troodon nor the water section of the Wetlands base.
Troodon revisions
Wetlands base revisions
Having them go back and revise each and every one of these pieces unfortunately set things back a couple weeks, but I felt it was necessary. I'm willing to accept some subtle variations in effort to keep things moving along, but these were simply too far off from the approved deco samples they'd sent me previously. I'm just glad there was still time to make the corrections.
Ever notice those labels on toys that say 'Choking hazard' or the 'CE' on your toy packaging? Those are the result of safety testing.
common phrases and symbols associated with toy testing
Within the collector community, safety testing is an aspect of toy manufacturing that is rarely talked about and admittedly not something I had much knowledge of myself until recently. However, for anyone selling manufactured product to the general public, it is important to be sure that standard safety requirements are met for toxicity, flammability, and construction, before the items leave their country of origin. I had neglected to factor this into my previous shipping estimates and I sincerely apologize. Establishing a toy testing account and negotiating a quote took about a week and now testing is currently in-progress which normally takes 1-2 weeks. I expect testing to be finished within this coming week. So with this information now available to us, here's the current projected timeline:
Accessory Packs and Nestlings are now estimated to ship out from the factory the week of November 13th. Allow about 2-3 weeks to transport the goods from China to US customs in California. From there they will be sent on to the Fulfillrite fulfillment center in Lakewood, New Jersey to be processed which could be an additional 1-2 weeks before the fulfillment process begins. This location is ideal because it's close enough for me to visit whenever I need to, plus they have a good reputation with crowdfunded projects and have a well-integrated system for using BackerKit information. While I can't guarantee it, I will do all I can to get as many of these products out to backers in time for Christmas as possible.
The deluxe Raptor figures and Build-a-Raptors are currently in-production andhave not had any additional delays. They are still expected to be completed by late November or early December but will however require safety testing as well, so expect them to land in the states toward the end of the year barring any major revisions. Realistically, I predict that these items will ship out to backers in January.
International orders will not be split
Since my last update, I've heard from many of my international backers who have concerns about splitting up their orders, potentially incurring additional customs fees. At their request, I have marked those orders to be shipped all at once, but I'm also aware that only a fraction of the backers actually see these updates, so it's likely that there are still many international backers not expecting this change of plan. Because I see this to be a reoccurring issue that could adversely effect many people, I have decided to keep all international orders complete- not to be split. Only orders with a US address will be split between Accessory Packs and Nestlings/ and deluxe Raptors and Build-a-Raptors (unless requested otherwise). For those with international orders only containing Accessory Packs and/ or Nestlings, yours will still ship ahead of the deluxe Raptor wave as planned. I want to get product out to backers as soon as possible, but not at the expense of them having to pay more.
Production galleries- Accessory Packs and Nestlings
Over the past several weeks, I've posted new photo galleries on Facebook of the final production samples for the Accessory Packs, Nestlings, and Build-a-Raptors. Click on the images below to view the full photo set for each.
Now that the recent developments has been addressed, let's take a step back in time and see what all went into the art for the packaging.
Package Design process Part 1- The Package Art
In the beginning...
Asyou are all well aware of by now, the deluxe Raptor figures, Accessory Packs, and Nestlings for Beasts of the Mesozoic have unique art work representing each species as it may have looked living and breathing in it's natural environment. Here's a step-by-step look at how that process evolved.
Concept and reference
Before the package art is even a consideration, the look of the raptor toys needed to be established. Let's face it, these creatures may not be fictional, but we know so little about their outward appearance that there is still much left to the imagination. To keep things in the realm of plausibility, I researched the habitats of each raptor species and tried to match their look to a modern bird counterpart inhabiting a similar ecological niche. Yeah I'm probably completely off and there's no science in this method, but it gave way to some interesting designs and grounded the look of the figures in reality. And while there's no evidence of them looking this way, there's also no evidence against it either. Here's a run down of all of the raptors and their contemporary color influences.
From this point, it's a matter of translating those colors and patterns to the dromaeosaur body template. Here are my original designs that were born from this idea.
Once I had the logo and basic packaging layout established (which I'll discuss in Part 2), it was then time to think about the image on the packaging.
I grew up at a time when the package art for action figures was a masterpiece unto itself. Masters of the Universe, Transformers, Dino Riders, M.A.S.K. and G.I. Joe all had incredible artwork on the packaging. I knew if I ever had the opportunity to create a toy line of my own, I wanted the package art to be just as impressive. The package art not only brings life to the figure, but creates an entire world and scenario for the viewer to associate that figure with. My first idea was to do the art myself, but then I felt it was better to pursue more seasoned professionals. Enter Jonathan Kuo.
At the time, I had only known Jonathan through association, but I was well aware of his talents as a wildlife illustrator. While perusing his portfolio one day, I came upon this image:
art by Jonathan Kuo
Immediately I knew this was my guy. His work has just the right combination of motion and flare while maintaining a very believable level of realism. With a few tweaks to Jon's art to better match it to my design, I plugged the image into the package layout and the rest is history.
First package mock up
After putting this together, I immediately emailed it over to Jonathan with a proposal to have him work with me. Luckily he liked the idea and gladly accepted.
For each raptor piece, I provided my concept art with the corresponding modern bird reference, a brief description of the habitat, package art templates, and the best fossil reference for the animal I could find. The pose and composition however, I left up to Jon. He would give me several thumbnail options and then we would move forward from there.
final Velociraptor m. sketch with final art
The look for Balaur here is most noticeably different from it's conceptual counterpart. Jon based his image more on the Anhinga reference than my design and I liked it so much that it ended up being the final design for the figure.
There were several cases where the look he created for the art directly influenced the sculpt. Adasaurus and Linhereaptor are perfect examples of this.
Dromaeosaurus ended up in a much more snowy environment than I initially envisioned, but it looked so good that I kept it. It was the inspiration for the look of the Dromaeosaurus base.
I loved Jon's idea of putting Pyroraptor on a carcass. Brilliant!
deluxe raptor side box art
I also asked for a raptor head sketch to use on the side of the box.
In addition to the main raptors, we of course would also end up with Accessory Packs, Fans Choice raptors and Nestlings all of which were in need of new art.
Luckily, Jonathan was up for continuing with the project and produced art for all four of the Accessory Packs.
With the main line rounded out, I felt it was a good opportunity to give the Fans Choice raptors their own unique look separate from the others so I reached out to my friend, Sara Richard. I had been a fan of her dinosaur illustrations for years and always felt they stood out due to her unique style- like no other dinosaur art I'd ever seen.
art by Sara Richard
One thing I really wanted to avoid was commissioning someone who's work seemed to mimic Jon's- I wanted something completely different and Sara delivered. After seeing her Fans Choice work, I knew she'd be perfect for the more playful tone I was looking for on the Nestlings as well.
Notice how the 'Pyroraptor on carcass' theme carried over to the Fans Choice figure.
This Zhenyuanlong is one of my favorite poses.
deluxe raptor Fans Choice side box art
And of course new side art was needed for the Fans Choice box as well.
The profile of this grey nestling would also became the side art.
Products in-package
Since we're on the topic of packaging, I felt it appropriate to show all of the final packaging in one place. Notice how distinct each figure is because of the package art.
For the Nestlings, the art is used twice- once on the insert with the Beasts of the Mesozoic logo and then again on the back without it.
Creative Beast Studio tour
Before I go, I just wanted to share a video I made recently showing my studio and work area. I think you artists and toy collectors out there will especially get a kick out of this.
My plan is to do more videos moving forward beginning with (p)reviews of the production sample Accessory Packs and Nestling. Keep eye out for those in the weeks to come.
Closing notes
-BackerKit closing dates- in the previous update I had mentioned the closing dates for the BackerKit pre-order store. Due to the recent delays mentioned above, I feel it's too soon to set specific closing dates until we get closer to completion of the remaining raptor production. I will give you all a couple weeks advance notice not only for when the store will close, but also for when the first items will begin shipping. That way if anyone needs to change your shipping address or if you'd like to lock in any additional items for the pre-order price, you'll have plenty of time.
- Unanswered Kickstarter backer surveys and declined cards- as of this writing there are still 63 unanswered surveys (Kickstarter backers only), and 9 declined credit cards. Remember, your order can not ship until your survey is answered and your order is paid in full. Please contact me if you have any questions.
- Please share this update- it has occurred to me that despite my efforts to reach as many backers as possible with these updates and through social media, there remains a large percentage that does not see them. In effort to keep backers informed on the project, I ask that those of you on social media and on the relevant forums please share these updates with the appropriate audiences. I still get backers contacting me about how they've been waiting for their order since May and I understand how frustrating that can be for those people. At the very least, if you see anyone asking questions about the project, please feel free answer on my behalf based on these updates. Spreading this information would be a huge help- I don't want to leave anyone out of the loop.
- For those in the New Jersey area- I'll be attending a local toy show in Wayne, NJ on Sunday, December 3rd. While my main purpose for doing the show is to sell off a few toys from my collection, I will also have production samples of the Beasts of the Mesozoic action figures on display. Project backers will even receive a discount off any of the toys I have for sale. Please come by if you're in the area.
Man, every time I write one of these I expect Kickstarter to tell me my update has exceeded the maximum length. With that in mind, I'll wrap this up.
For those that made it this far, thank you so much for your support and patience. I will continue to keep you all up-to-date on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as usual.
Take care everyone- I'll talk to you all soon!
Current Production Status, Updated Shipping Schedule, and Test Shot Giveaway
over 7 years ago
– Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:26:09 AM
deluxe raptor deco samples
As we enter into the Fall season, fulfillment of the Beasts of the Mesozoic figures is on the horizon and what started as a small idea last year is finally on the verge of becoming a reality for all of us in a big way.
In my previous update, I'd said I would follow up with an update about the package design process. However due to recent information I've received about the production schedule and the fact that product shipping is obviously on everyone's mind at this point, I wanted to dedicate this update to those particular matters. But you can still expect a packaging- focused update in the near future, as I have been looking forward to putting that together for you all. But for now, on to the latest news...
Fulfillment will now be in Two Waves- ship date changes
As we approach the estimated ship dates for the figures, production is moving along a little slower than anticipated and as some of you may have already suspected, the timeline has to be pushed back again unfortunately. I've been in frequent correspondence with the factory lately in regards to final approvals, production progress, and what to expect moving forward. Here's a breakdown of where we're at currently:
-All Accessory Packs and Nestlings are nearly complete and are expected to be ready to ship from the factory to the US by the end of September. Fulfillment shipping to backers for these items is estimated to begin in mid to late October, about a month later than the previous estimate. From what I understand, this is simply due to the complexity of the paint operations.
-All deluxe raptor deco samples have been adjusted and approved to move forward.
-Due to several last-minute tooling adjustments, at my request to improve the raptor joints and display stand rods, the molds were only finalized a couple of weeks ago, thus contributing to the delay of the deluxe raptors. Deco sample revisions have also played a factor.
- The deluxe raptors are now expected to ship from the factory to the US in late November. Fulfillment shipping to backers is estimated to begin in the latter part of December. While shipping out in time for Christmas may be possible, there is no guarantee.
yeah, I snuck some packaging in there
In light of the new information regarding the status of the figures, I've decided to have them shipped in two waves in order to get product out to backers as soon as possible. Accessory Packs and Nestlings will be in the first wave and then Deluxe Raptors and Build-a-Raptors in the second wave. The delays are regrettable, but necessary in order to achieve the level of quality that we are all expecting.
So now that the 'bad' news' is out of the way, lets get to all of the 'good news'. I encourage you to read on through to the end as there is still plenty to be excited about.
Accessory Packs and Nestlings Status
The Accessory Packs and Nestlings have been in production for about the past month or so and are finishing up as of this post. These items are expected to leave the factory and head to the US around the end of this month. Allow about three weeks for transport and customs holdings and then on to fulfillment which will ship from New Jersey. For those that ordered Accessory Packs and Nestlings along with Deluxe Raptors, your order will be shipped in two separate segments at no additional cost.
Recently, I was able to obtain photos of these sets straight from the factory courtesy of my fellow NECA co-worker Stefan Folkins. Here's a look at what was on the production line this past week.
Amber Nestlings
Black Nestlings
Protoceratops skulls awaiting paint
assorted accessory pack pieces in various stages
fight or play?
Final production samples should arrive to me within the next week or so. Be sure to follow my social media for latest developments on that.
Deluxe Raptors and Build-a-Raptors status
As stated previously, the deluxe Raptors are now expected to be shipped out to backers beginning around the end of this year. While I am a bit disappointed by this new time frame, the upside is that the deco samples look very nice and the factory has had enough time now to decipher an effective paint method for each raptor. Also, the slight adjustments to the tooling over the past few months will also go a long way to making the product the best it can be.
For your reference, here are the approved paint samples- you can click the image to see a gallery showcasing the corresponding deco sample figure (note: some deco changes have been made after the gallery photos were taken and the knee joint color is not final)
And let's not forget the Build-a-Raptors! Here is a look at the package configuration for both sets. (note: the final versions will be painted in light grey matte)
Build-a-Raptor set A
Build-a-Raptor set B
With all tooling revisions now completed, production for the deluxe raptors is well underway with many parts already made to be painted and assembled.
Heads or tails?
Zhenyuanlong tails
secondary feathers/ forearms
loads of parts!
If that doesn't get you excited, read on...
well, read on anyway.
Random Test-Shot Give-Away!
One of these could be yours
In light of the recent production delays, I wanted to find a way to show my appreciation for your support and patience throughout this entire process. It's been a crazy ride so far and I'm glad you all are on board to share this experience with me. As an incentive to hang in there just a little bit longer, I will be giving away all of my original deluxe raptor test shot action figures to 11 random backers. These one-of-kind items will never to be sold or replicated again. They are the very first action figures ever made by Creative Beast Studio, so in essence, a very rare piece of dinosaur toy history.
How do I qualify?
Most likely, you already have. The only requirement to be eligible is to have pre-ordered or pledged for at least one of the deluxe raptors (Fans choice and Build-a-Raptors are included). The test shots will be blindly added to 11 random shipments during fulfillment- only the fulfillment workers will know which packages have the test shots. Also:
-Your chances are the same whether you ordered one raptor or all of them.
- KIckstarter and BackerKit backers all have the same odds.
-Having multiple shipments does increase your chances, but no individual or household will receive more than one test shot.
-These will only go out with the deluxe raptors wave at the end of this year- the Accessory Pack and Nestlings shipments are not eligible.
-In the sake of fairness, my co-workers at NECA are automatically disqualified by association (sorry guys)
I know how much many of you have been looking forward to getting your raptors and I wish I could get them to you sooner. Hopefully this will make the wait a little more bearable. It's actually more satisfying for me to know that these will end up with the backers than it would be for me to keep them. Good luck!
Pre-Order Store schedule- closing dates
Now that the fulfillment will be split into two segments, it's worth noting how this will effect the pre-order situation.
Accessory Packs and Nestlings
The final day to pre-order Accessory Packs and Nestlings from the BackerKit preorder store will be Friday, October 13th. After this date, those items will become temporarily unavailable during the fulfillment period. Once the pre-orders are all shipped, the remaining product will be available on my new website store, which is currently under development.
New Creative Beast Studio website currently in development
Deluxe Raptors and Build-a-Raptors
The final day to pre-order Deluxe Raptors and Build-a-Raptors from the BackerKit preorder store will be Friday, December 22nd. After this date, those items will then become temporarily unavailable until the pre-orders are fulfilled. The remaining product will be available afterward on my new website store in addition to the Accessory Packs and Nestlings. It is worth noting that the prices on my website may be slightly higher than they are for pre-order, but I do intend to keep the increase to a minimum.
Well I think that's enough information to take in for now. If you don't already, please be sure to to follow the progress of this project and more on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all of the latest information and photos. And if you're new to Beasts of the Mesozoic, the BackerKit pre-order store can be found HERE.
'catch y'all later!'
As always, thanks so much everyone- until next time!
China Trip Part 2- Painting Process and First Deco Samples
over 7 years ago
– Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 12:33:30 AM
It's been a while since the last update so there's a lot to talk about.
The production process is moving along at a fast pace now. Between sending comments on samples to the factory and prepping the final packaging, these past six weeks have been intense. Kind of makes me wish I was only running a Kickstarter campaign. On second thought, no no not really.
Anyway as promised, here's a look at the second half of my trip in China, so get ready as it's time for another information filled update! Be sure to read all the way through- I promise to make it worth your while.
Preparing for Production
Me at a deco and packaging meeting in China
Upon visiting the production factory back in May, tooling was being finalized and the raptors were still in the early stages with not a lot going on yet in terms of painting and mass production. My main purpose was to help see them off to a good start by discussing the level of paint detail I was looking to achieve as well as going over packaging options and toy functionality.
first deco samples for AP sets and Nestlings
Luckily for me, they were able to prepare paint samples for all of the Accessory Packs and the Nestlings for review. Meticulous notes were taken as I described what needed to be done for each piece. The meetings were very encouraging and I got the impression that they really wanted to get everything just how I wanted.
Very early paint work on the main raptors- 'um can we get some more parts over here!'
Since the molds were still being worked on at that time, the production factory had to rely on whatever test shot parts were sent from the tooling factory, and this meant showing me a few incomplete raptor paint samples, but it was enough to get us started.
Despite arriving there at the beginning of my own project, I still had the opportunity to witness the rest of the production process first-hand via other projects. My China trip part 1 update was all about the test shot and tooling process and now it's time for the second part of that story. Here's what happens after the tooling is approved.
The Paint and Assembly Process
Paint (Deco) Samples
As mentioned, paint samples are often made initially from early test shot parts. These figures may have been cast before tooling was approved, so looseness and a few mismatched or missing parts are not too uncommon at this stage. Such issues are easy to correct later.- the paint is the the real focus of these figures.
Zhenyuanlong deco sample parts
When making these first paint, or 'deco' samples (short for 'decoration'), painting techniques and processes are created for both colors and patterns in order to replicate the unique look of each figure type.
Once established, these painting methods will be used for thousands of figures and are much different than hand-brushing a single resin figure for an undetermined amount of time as Matt and myself had done with the prototypes. The factory work needs to be fast and efficient while still maintaining the same look as the original and for that, different tools are required.
Paint masking clamps- not much to look at, but they can create beautiful results
A combination of hand brushing, air brush, and paint masks are used to paint each figure part. Paint mask clamps are a key tool for this stage of mass production work. These metal clamps are custom made to whatever area they need to cover on a piece for creating a specific shape or pattern over and over again. Often times a factory will have a person who specializes in creating the paint masks for each job. Fashioning an effective paint mask is considered an art in and of itself.
These Tsaagan tails can be painted quickly thanks to paint masks
The initial paint stage is often a process that requires a few rounds of revisions to get the look for each figure as close to the original as possible. Each application, a.k.a. paint operation, is documented and factored into the overall production cost. In order to match my original prototypes, the number of paint operations for Beasts of the Mesozoic needed to be higher than that of the average toy line.
Painting nestlings
freshly painted FC Dromaeosaurus parts
Some subtle variation is to be expected between the figures they produce and my prototypes as they use such different tools and methods. For the most part though, the final versions should look very close to the original prototype.
Velociraptor deco samples (paint master at bottom)
deco sample raptor party!
Now at this point in the process, we'll need to look beyond Beasts of the Mesozoic to see what lies ahead...
Note: the items in the next set of photos won't be named in effort to avoid any licensing issues, but many of you can probably recognize what's there.
Mass Production
Once the deco samples are approved and the paint operations are established, large amounts of new parts are cast for mass production. The painting process begins by sectioning out the parts and distributing them among several people to be painted, each person being responsible for specific parts.
each painter is assigned to paint specifc parts for each figure
How do they keep all of those parts straight, you ask? Well for each figure, a layout key is created using the full molded parts sprues with each part labeled. This is important not only to help with paint and color injection, but assembly as well.
layout key for paint and assembly reference
When parts are completed, the painted pieces are collected in their own bins to be assembled later. Each bin contains one specific part and usually a lot of them.
finished parts ready for assembly
To avoid confusion, one figure type, or SKU (short for 'stockkeeping unit') will be painted at a time. A room of workers can complete paint work for a large number of figures in a single day. Once all of the parts are painted, they are moved on to assembly.
warming up parts for easy assembly
To assemble the figures, parts are often heated under lamps to help make them pliable enough to fit together easily without stressing the pieces. The plastic will then harden quickly at room temperature. Glue is also added at this stage as needed.
figures are nearly finsihed, but where are the heads?
found the heads!
From here the figures are put aside for pack-out where they will be placed in their designated packaging with accessories to be added as needed.
that's a lot of toys...
The packaging has it's own separate process during this time as well, from the graphic design to the box printing and even the fitted plastic trays. Everything is made at around the same time to help make mass production as time-efficient as possible.
So that's the second half of toy production in a nutshell. And that will lead right into the next update which will focus on the packaging for the Beasts of the Mesozoic figures so stay tuned.
First Raptor Deco Samples
The first round of deco samples are always an important step in the production process. Here's an overview of the very first raptor deco sample comparisons with their respective paint masters (labeled 'deco master' in the photos). For this update, we'll focus on the main deluxe-sized raptor figures. (The Nestlings and Accessory Packs will be shown off with their packaging in the next update.) Some here are closer to final than others, but for a first go at it, they've provided a very good starting point.
And for the record, these photos were not taken by me but come direct from the factory... it'll make sense as you read on.
Atrociraptor deco sample comparison... photo not by me
So that gives you all an idea of what I'm looking at initially. In most cases, I'm sent anywhere from 5-10 photos of a particular sample both with and without the deco master in the shot. You'll find many more photos of each of these on my Creative Beast Studio Facebook page, but keeping the length of this update in-mind (obviously), I decided to only show key photos for each. It's at this point I take the photos into photoshop and make my comments for what needs to be changed or improved upon. Here are some examples of the notes I've sent back in response.
Adasaurus deco sample comparison with notes
FC Dromaeosaurus deco sample comparison with notes
Tsaagan deco sample comparison with notes
Velociraptor deco sample comparison with notes
FC Pyroraptor deco sample comparison with notes
Zhenyuanlong deco sample comparison with notes
After receiving my feedback, they make the adjustments and then the deco sample is shipped to me for review. Here's a batch of samples I received recently:
Revised Deco samples for review
At this point it's a matter of a few more tweaks and then the approved version becomes the standard for all of the production on that particular SKU. The steps they followed to achieve the look for each approved figure have been noted and are to be followed for the remaining figures of that type moving forward. As of now all deco samples have been created and the Nestlings and Accessory Packs have all been approved with mass production beginning soon on those. Six deluxe raptor samples have been sent to me for final notes so far with more arriving each week until all of the figures are approved.
Deco sample scene
Having some of these samples in-hand now, all necessary toy 'testing' aside, I couldn't resist putting them together with the new packaging proofs. Below was my very first look at a Beasts of the Mesozoic raptor in-package, and it was cooler than I could have imagined.
Acheroraptor in-package
What all goes into the package, from start to finish? I'm looking forward to sharing that experience with you all in the next update.
Shipping Estimate Update- September
In other news... I've been getting a lot of questions lately regarding the ship dates for the Beasts of the Mesozoic figures and understandably so. Luckily so far the production process has not had any major set backs and we've been moving along mostly as expected. There have been a few minor tooling and paint revisions here and there, but nothing serious. As mentioned, production is beginning soon on the Accessory Pack sets as well as Nestlings and I expect full production on the main raptors to begin sometime next month which will take several weeks. Factor into that any adjustments during that time and then from there it will be 2-3 weeks for the product to arrive at the US port in California via boat from China. After a few days in customs, the product will then head to the fulfillment center for final distribution.
As of this writing, it has become more clear now that shipping rewards out to backers by the end of August is highly doubtful and shipping in September is much more likely. Please know that this is still an estimate based on current circumstances and is subject to change. It's hard to know what challenges lie ahead for this project, but it's important to make sure everything is done as well as it can be done and for a project this big, that does take some time. That being said, considering the amount of product being produced at once and the complexity involved, I feel the progress is going quite well.
Orders containing Kickstarter rewards will have priority to ship first and then on to the pre-orders. If you have any questions about shipping dates or process, please let me know and I'll answer them as best I can. Your patience and support is much appreciated- I'm optimistic that the wait won't be too much longer.
Combining Orders and Address Changes
As we close in on the final part of production, my correspondence with the factory during the reviewing process is critical becoming very involved and time-consuming. With so much of my attention focused on production right now, I have a favor to ask of you all.
For those needing assistance with address changes, combining orders, or adding items onto your existing order, it would really help me out if you could please contact the friendly people at BackerKit (email: [email protected]) regarding these issues as they would be more than happy to assist you. This will allow me to put a little more time into the production of this project.
Creative Beast approved!
The BackerKit team has proven to be very competent and responsive during this entire project and they'll likely be more effective at helping than myself because who knows their system better than them? If for some reason they can not assist you or they are unavailable, please feel free to contact me about it and I will help as best I can. Thank you all in advance.
One more thing...
I want to invite you all to take a look at a new action figure-based Kickstarter campaign by one of my favorite creators (and Beasts of the Mesozoic backer), Sandy Collora called SOULS OF THE ABYSS: The Tiburonera Tribe! Some of you may know of Sandy's work in the film industry but he's also worked in the toy industry as well as a sculptor and designer. Now he's creating a line of action figures based on the Tiburonera creature design from his critically acclaimed short film, Shallow Water. Check it out!
That'll do it for now- please don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for all of the latest news and photos for this project and more. And if you're just finding out about this project, the Beasts of the Mesozoic BackerKit pre-order store can be found HERE.